Trastevere Pier New York, S.L. domiciled at Paseo de las Delicias, 3 41012 Sevilla with CIF B-90133414 has developed the contents that are exposed on its website as a summary of its commercial activity for informational purposes. Access to the Muelle New York website implies that the user unreservedly admits acceptance of the general conditions of use described below. The user accepts that they will not be able to enter personal or commercial data in the different forms that the website presents without respecting and accepting the general conditions.



Use the website for any illegal purpose or in violation of any local, state, national or international law, including, without limitation, laws governing intellectual property and other proprietary rights and data protection and privacy, and specifically:

Defame, harass, abuse, threaten or defraud users or third parties, or collect or attempt to collect personal information about users or third parties without their consent, or use the material/content for any use other than that strictly permitted herein . Suppress, circumvent, disable, damage or interfere with security related features of the Website. Introduce any malicious code including, without limitation uploading or otherwise spreading viruses, adware, spyware, worms or any other malicious code and/or taking any action that imposes an excessive load on the infrastructure of Trastevere Muelle New York, S.L. Use, display, or use framing techniques to enclose the Website or any of its components. Send unsolicited email, junk mail, spam, chain letters, or promotions or advertisements for products or services.


The contents of the website have been created by Trastevere Muelle New York, S.L. being fully protected by copyright. In no case may the use of content, images, logos or brands that appear on the website be used without the express written consent of Trastevere Muelle New York, S.L.


These general conditions are governed by Spanish law. In case of controversy, it must be resolved by the Courts of Seville, users of the website who do not strictly respect the established conditions of use will be responsible for their breach.


The data provided when filling in any form on the Web will become part of the automated file of Trastevere Muelle New York, S.L. with address at Paseo de las Delicias, 3 41012 Sevilla, at this address or at the email address you can go to exercise your rights of access, rectification, cancellation or opposition to the treatment of the same at any time . By sending the forms available on the Web, you give us your express consent for your data to be processed to send you the information you have requested. And also so that we can send or make commercial communications.

Organic Law 15/1999 of December 13 on Data Protection.